I'm Yash Belsare

Frontend / AWS developer, student.

What I do?

Front End Development

I can build frontend web applications using React JS, Next JS, and Angular.

Cloud App Development

I can build and deploy cloud based web applications using AWS

UI Building

I can convert your Figma designs into beautiful websites using Tailwind CSS.


Next JS


Tailwind CSS

React JS







Frontend Developer (Oct 2021 - June 2022)

I have had 10 months of professional experience working as a frontend developer at at Vibencode pvt. ltd., an innovative startup aimed at creating only the best web applications for it's clients using latest technologies. Initially, I worked on designing the websites and making them responsive. Later as I got promoted to the core team of developers, I had the responsibility of managing projects as well as the frontend teams and interns. Throughout my time here, I've refined my skills in React JS, Next JS, Angular and mastered my web design skills using Tailwind CSS, and Sass.


Pets App - AWS

Designed and developed a CRUD application using AWS Amplify cloud backend, React JS as a frontend and integrated other useful features such as Authentication, email verification and a feature to upload and play publically available music.

Vocal - Music Platform

We, a group of four students are in the process of developing and designing a highly complex music streaming web application which will combine AI ML, Cloud development and deployment, and Web development using Next JS. Read more...

PHP - Bot Detector

Developed a PHP web application to detect bots using several different detection techniques. The application also reroutes to a static page if the client is a bot.

Reach out

Always open to connect and build websites using your designs